Skinny-Belle (2 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (1 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (5 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (10 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (3 of 10)

Friends of Ours – The cutest brunch spot in London!

It would literally be a crime to go to London and not eat crumpets. And obviously while eating them be talking in a horrible English accent. “CRUMPETS! I’M IN ENGLAND EATING CRUMPETS!” <– shouted in a British accent.😂 Literally everyone in the restaurant hated me. I definitely would hate me too. 

Anyways, discovered the best little brunch spot that had the most bomb crumpet brekkie. Figs, honey, shortbread (uhg dying writing about this I want it again haha), some kind of weird English cheese, and just all around deliciousness.

The place is called “Friends of Ours” and is located in Shoreditch. Highllllllly recommend you check it out if you want to have a party in your mouth. <– lol. The coffee there was also to-die-for. Had an americano, and was it ever delish.

Happy Tuesday! Want to check out some recipes you can make for dinner this week? Check out the “Food” section on the tab above. 😋





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