Thinking about starting your own travel vlog? Have a bunch of unedited footage saved up from previous trips? Well.. This is my detailed guide on how to edit travel videos for beginners!
I go through my entire process from start to finish, and share all my best tips & tricks on how you can create your own travel vlog. It’s been 3 years since I started YouTube, and I really do wish I’d had this particular video when I started out. Honestly feel like it would have made things a lot easier for me, and made that steep learning curve slightly… less steep. lol.
One major thing I review in this tutorial is music. When I first started doing YouTube I would just pick songs I liked and put them in my videos. I’d throw in some Queen, ABBA… pretty much anything I wanted. This is a big ‘no-no’ in the world of vlogging. YouTube will penalize you for using copyrighted music, and it honestly just makes things way more challenging than they need to be. So if you are looking for the absolute best resource for copyright free music, Artlist is my favourite platform.
The reason I love using Artlist so much is the music is not only copyright free.. is is downright AWESOME. There is nothing worse/less inspiring than elevator music in vlogs. The music available on Artlist is incredible, and sounds like something you would hear in a Hollywood movie. So make sure you check out Artlist and use this link to get 2 months free!

Travel vlogging has been such an incredible journey for me. Travel has always been something that has brought me joy and enriched my life. I have been traveling the world since I was two years old (I believe my first international trip was to Germany!) But the ability to share my experiences, tips, and travel advice with you through my vlogs makes me happier and brings more fulfillment than I ever thought possible. There are a few layers to this feeling. Firstly, my adventures are preserved in a way that I can forever look back upon. Most trips I went on pre-YouTube… I’ve honestly forgotten so many of the beautiful details. And the beauty really is in the details. Now I have a library of experiences, places, people, and events that I can share with my family and friends. The other side of it has much more to do with YOU. My audience. It brings me so much happiness to connect with people all around the world through our shared love of travel. It is truly something special.
Basically what I am trying to say is… If you have ever considered filming a trip or making a vlog… I highly recommend learning to edit. Whether the video is just to share with your family, or, with the world wide web.. it’s a skill I’ve enjoyed cultivating and has brought immense value to my life.
If it’s your first time picking up a camera, I also recommend watching my other tutorial on how to film solo travel vlogs. This is a great resource for learning how to get the right footage to help make your editing process as seamless as possible.
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