1:24 | October 15, 2018



Wake up with me…

… because there is SO many unrealistic versions of this video! Honestly, it’s getting out of hand.

Figured it could be fun to do a realistic “wake up with me” video and not pretend I do a bunch of productive things that I don’t every morning 🤣

Hope you enjoyed this video! If you did, make sure to throw it a thumbs up on youtube 🙂

Thanks for watching!




3:43 | October 10, 2018



It’s that time of year again!

I live for Thanksgiving.

Well, not really… but I LOVE IT.

This year, to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, I decided to do a non-traditional meal. No turkey for us, instead, I cooked a beef stew! (ok writing that out sounds very anti-climactic, but it was honestly amazing.)

Was a really fun Thanksgiving because my momma was in town visiting, so she joined Troy and I for the big day. She also assisted with the vlog, so make sure you check it out to see her handy work. 😉

If you’re Canadian or not, Happy Thanksgiving!!




11:48 | October 4, 2018



Decided to just put this out there…

Honestly was so close to not posting this one, but I figured it would be better to share the reality of my day vs refilm and show you something else that wasn’t real!

This day was actually pretty great, it just happened to make a bad vlog lol.

Hope you enjoyed the video!!




2:40 | October 1, 2018



Scammed buying new car?!

Well, it’s safe to say this didn’t go according to plan…. 😂

It’s time that we get a new car, so Troy isn’t my personal driver. Even though I kind of (and by kind of I mean REALLY) like being driven around by a hot blonde. I don’t ask for much. 😉

Started the process this weekend by checking out a car in the valley. Watch the vlog to see what happens, but it did not go well. Like, probably the exact opposite of what you want to happen while test driving LOL!

Hope you enjoyed this vlog! Busy day today so I gotta bounce (but of course vlogging it so you will see tmrw 🙂 )

Have a FABULOUS Monday!!


9:45 | September 28, 2018



This appreciation post is long overdue…

Today’s post is dedicated to my love of high-waisted jeans/skirts/shorts/everything.

Here’s why.

I was thinking back to the high-school days (clearly, this was my first mistake🤦‍♀️) and how I used to wear those “1-inch zipper” low-rise/skin tight jeans. Let’s formally blame Paris Hilton for this.

There is nothing quite as horrendous as having your love handles/belly be uncomfortably poking out over the top of your skin tight low-rise jeans. How are you supposed to eat? Breather? Live?

I CAN’T. 😫

Since high-waisted jeans came back into style, I’ve pretty much rid my life of anything low-rise. Like, goodbye forever! 🙅‍♀️ New number who dis.

Back to my point…

High-waisted jeans. 👖

It’s been a minute since I’ve publicly acknowledged how significantly my life has been improved by their existence. It’s at least 5% better.

At least.

You can eat in them. They conveniently tuck away all of your unwanted….. layers(?) shall we say? Everything just looks right. And most importantly, the comfort is REAL.

In honour of us no longer stuffing ourselves into 1-inch zipper jeans, here are some high-waisted options that I’m really vibing right now.

First off, Khloe Kardashian knows what’s up when it comes to this trend. Good American has so many great options, and I love how you can view the same pant on different sized models on the website. Honestly how is every other company not doing this? It’s genius.

Also really into Parker Smith these days, they have both high-rise and ULTRA high-rise options. Now, I don’t totally love the price point on Citizens but the brand fits me like a glove and I use their jeans for 5 years plus, always. And finally, if you want a pair of high-waisted jeans/pants a classic is Levis. Not the most stretchy or comfy but ohhhh so on trend rn.

So…yeah! Those are my current fave brands for high-waisted pants. Do you have any faves I need to know about? If so, please leave a comment and let me know what brands you like best!

That’s all for today! Hope your Friday is going well, and you have lots of fun planned for the weekend ahead.

Love you!




2:41 | September 28, 2018



Let’s all remember that…

… instagram is NOT reality!

Honestly felt like I needed to end this photoshoot vlog with a quick reminder to both myself and anyone needing to hear it.

Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE photography and modeling. Both are an awesome creative outlet that let me collaborate with cool people. Yes, yes, yes! to all of that.

BUT, I feel like the state of social media/instagram is wild right now. Meaning, we’ve all been posting our highlight reels for so long that we forget it’s not what day-to-day life looks like. It is proven that social media causes feelings of sadness. While I love being creative and taking cool photos, I also like to keep things real and remind myself that all the carefully curated and edited images I see online are not representative of real life.

I feel like I’m making this vlog seem super serious, when it was actually a hella fun day shooting with my friend Eric. You should check him out if you haven’t already. Very talented and inspiring guy. 🙂

Anywho, felt the need to touch on the impact social media has on us, even though the day was super fun and I love the photos we took!

If you love this vlog, make sure you go over to YouTube and leave it a thumbs up so I know!

Hope you are having a good week 🙂 Hang in there, it’s almost Friday.




7:04 | September 25, 2018



Let’s talk about anxiety

Mental health is still not a subject that we talk about openly. Figured I would crack that can of worms open today and introduce you to my dear friend Tiffany.

This is my first video really talking about mental health, and my hope is that we can all support eachother and feel less alone. Things like anxiety are ridiculously common, and we have no reason to ever feel ashamed or embarrassed.

Would love for you to visit my youtube and share your experience or let me know what you do to combat anxious feelings!

Thanks for being here <3




3:53 | September 21, 2018



Hey bloggity friend 🙂

To say I am happy to be back in my semi-home, is an understatement. It feels so good to have a solid roof over my head for the next few months, and know where the heck i’ll be sleeping!

The travel life is awesome, but if I am being totally honest, I am a homebody. I like to cook,  be at home, and be comfortable. Lame? YES. True? Also yes.

Travel is one of the most culturally rewarding experiences you can have (imo.) I am never anything but thankful for all the travel I have been fortunate enough to do. But in this very moment, nothing sounds better than to get into my own bed and watch the new season of Bojack Horseman with Troy. Tonight is “date night” so maybe we will be extra bad and watch TWO episodes. #WILD

I know, I have you on the edge of your seat.

But really. Right now I am so happy to just be here, and live our life.

I’m sure by the next time I post I will be like oMGGGGGG I NEED TO TRAVEL! EXPLORE! GO PLACES!!!!!! Because, that’s just how I am. But for tonight… being back at home is perfect.

k I feel like this post got unusually deep tonight. But i’ve also had half a bottle of wine at dinner so this all needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

On another random note we tried a new Italian spot in Santa Monica for date night. They had an EXTENSIVE  cheese menu (winning) and I specifically asked them to bring the stinkiest/most foot smelling cheese on the menu and it was SO BLAND. I thought they brought the wrong order. Apparently I am the only girl in LA who can handle really smelly cheese.

This is the most random blog ever. Sorry lol. We started with be getting all emotional, and now we are talking about foot smelling cheese.

Whatever. These are the realities of my life hahaha.


Bojack awaits. If you are kind of dark sometimes but also love smart humour, watch Bojack Horseman. You will need an episode or 3 to get over the fact that they all have animal heads but it’s worth it. So good.


Kiss kiss!


8:37 | September 18, 2018



well, this is a thing…

I cannot tell you HOW hesitant I was to share this video. This is a super touchy subject, but the story had to be told.

The point of this video is to share my personal experience with living a healthy lifestyle my entire life, and for two years switching to an EXTREMELY unhealthy lifestyle. Looking back, I can’t believe I let myself live in such an unhealthy way. Crazy!

So check out the video for the full story on how I gained and lost 25 lbs. If you liked the storytime, please leave the video a big thumbs up! Still new to YouTube and it really helps me 🙂

Thank youuuu! Love you.





8:32 | September 13, 2018



lol excuse the clickbait title

Gotta keep things dramatic for YouTube, you know how it isssss.

SO yeah, my video schedule got a bit messed up due to some horrid food poisoning I got a few days before we left Tulum. Now, I am back to health and in Vancouver! Very nice to be able to eat and drink water again. Montezuma certainly got his revenge on me……….🤢 tmi? 😂


I am actually really enjoying the cool weather here in Vancouver right now, it’s a nice change to the blistering heat in Mexico.

Filming something very exciting today, that will be live on Sunday! Gotta go get ready for that, so I will talk to ya soonies.

