Ya girl is back 🍸
OMG. You guys. I’M BACK!!! 🎉
And holy shit we have a lot to talk about. I am 110% sure I just had my quarter life crisis. Is that a thing? Well… based on how the last few months have played out for me I am very positive the “quarter life crisis” is a real thing.
WTF do I mean? Okay, let me back up for a second here. My blog has been down for about 3 months now, I took a major social media break (not counting a few insta-stories here and there 😉), quit my corporate job (a really fantastic job at that), moved counties, AND now live with my boyfriend of 5 months. If all those things do not qualify as having a quarter-life crisis, I am not sure what does. On paper it might sound like I’ve lost my mind, but in reality, I’ve never been better. I needed these last few months to make the changes necessary to be living my best and fullest life. To refocus on making my personal health and happiness a priority. I’ve been struggling with some personal stuff over the last few months (ahem, more like this entire year..), but can now confidently say I am en-route to being my best self. Gettin’ my sparkle back, if you know what I mean. ✨
Where to start…
The blog.
Let’s start here. Skinny Belle launched 3 years ago, as a way for me to share my outfits, recipes, and lifestyle tips. It is my absolute FAVE thing on the fucking planet. I promise you that. But, family pressures were building to get a “real job.” *eyeroll* For the last few years I have been doing the branding and marketing for some very cool tech companies, and really loved both what I was doing and the companies I was doing it for. As a result, Skinny Belle became more of a weekend hobby, and started to drift further and further away from what I really wanted it to be. Skinny Belle was supposed to be the platform to share myself and everything I have learned with the world, and it was literally killing me that it was not being given the attention it deserved. KILLING ME. 😭 So, I decided to take Skinny Belle down, completely revamp the site (which was a battle in itself… don’t even get me started on web development. Fuck.) and start fresh. Obviously keeping all the old content, because it will be fun to lol at myself in a few years time. So here we are, new blog design, and entirely new mission. Skinny Belle is going to be like my own personal diary. I will be here every day — sharing, asking, and sharing some more. I hope you’re excited, because I sure as hell am. 😁
Social media.
Yup, me, the girl who LOVES the gram just stopped posting for the last few months. I literally just needed to stop. There were so many big changes happening in my life, and I was experiencing major anxiety. It was definitely a problem. It felt insincere for me to be posting happy highlight reel shots, when the reality of my day-to-day life was the complete polar opposite. Instagram is definitely not a reflection of reality, we all know that, but I was so far away from being in a happy place that I couldn’t even fake it. The whole, “fake it til you make it” thing doesn’t really work for me. So unfortunately for you (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), you’re gonna get alllll the real stuff here.😅 Anywho, more on this later.
Relationships + moving countries.
Well, here’s a topic I have NEVER discussed on my blog before. Relationships. Truth be told, this year was a whirlwind for me. Had a very rough breakup right at the beginning of the year, while on my family vacation in Hawaii (fabulous…right??😒), and then just planned on being single for eternity and adopting like 14 dogs to keep me company. I wish that was a joke lol. 😂 Well, not the case. I met someone V special only a few months after my breakup, and lets just say I am fully head over heels for him. What are you supposed to do? Just ignore an amazing person who happens to come into your life because of past negative experiences? Lol screw thattt. So anyways, we kind of just jumped all in. And so far, it’s fabulous. We will talk more about this later. There is sooooo much to talk about and I cannot wait to get into dating here. It’s gonna be fun fun fun.😉
In conclusion, over the last few months I needed to take a step back, look at my life, and address how I can move forward and achieve my macro life-goals. Personally, that required going in full-on hermit mode, hiding from the world, and setting my plans in action. 6 months ago I wrote this blog post on how to accomplish your 10 year goals in 6 months, and go-figure, I actually achieved almost all of mine.💪🏻 It was time for me to make a new set of goals for the next 6 months. I’ll share my 10 years –> 6 month specific goals soon. There is really no reason we can’t all accomplish 10 year goals in the next 6 months.
Looking Ahead
I am BEYOND EXCITED (LIKE THE MOST EXCITED ANYONE HAS EVER BEEN😀😅😂🤣☺️🙃😜🤓😎🤠😏 😱 ) to be back blogging, and even more excited to give you a full-on no-details-spared coverage of my life. Let’s get personal people, it’s been a long time coming. 🙏🏻
Thanks for reading, and thank you for your patience over these last few months. But baby, I’m back and I’m here to stay. So CHEERS to the next Skinny Belle chapter! 🥂🍾🍸