12:00 | July 10, 2015



Skinny-Belle (6 of 6)

Skinny-Belle (1 of 6)


Skinny-Belle (2 of 6)


This is another one of those situations where I struggled hard to title my post. I so badly want you to understand how awesome this recipe is and make the title super enticing and such, but then it just ends up being way too long and gets a bit ridiculous. The struggle is real over here.

Anywho, I am obsessed with chia seed pudding. Chia seeds are fan-fucking-tastic and I cannot get enough of them. In the ever so graceful words of the Franks Red Hot Sauce ads (you know the one with the weird grandma that is kind of disturbing) “I put that shit on everything!”

Really though. Salads, avocado toast, yogurt, fruit… you name it. That being said, chia pudding is one of my favourite ways to eat chia seeds. It really shows off one of the most interesting properties of them: they can absorb 6 times their volume in liquids. SIX TIMES. Crazy right?!

This breakfast pudding is packed with protein and is super flavourful and satisfying. Today’s chia seed pudding recipe is one of my staples for the summer time. It is super simple, and the flavours are fresh AF.

The best part of this? Make it before you go to bed and you will have a delicious breaky waiting for you when you wake up in the morning. Because we all know that mornings can be rough, and having your breakfast already made just makes them a little easier. You feel me?

Alright, here is what is in my Coconut Lime + Raspberry Chia Pudding:

  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 2/3 cup of unsweetened coconut milk (I like this brand)
  • Fresh raspberries
  • Coconut meat (not necessary, but tastes like crack so you should probably do it)
  • Slice of lime

Okie dokes. LETS DO THIS.

Put coconut milk in small mason jar. Put chia seeds in mason jar. Shut mason jar. Shake about. Put in fridge. Go to bed. Wake up. Add them toppings (raspberries, coconut meat, and slice of lime!!!)

DONE. Told you, easy.

Ok so if the “delicious factor” isn’t enough to get you to try chia seeds… here are a few quick health benefits for you:

  • Chia seeds are high in fibre!! Healthy insides = healthy outsides.
  • They are filled with antioxidants!
  • SO MUCH PROTEIN!!! I LOVE PROTEIN. Not in a weird “get swoll” kind of way, but in a “I want to actually be full after eating” kind of way.
  • High in nutrients that are essential for bone health (like: calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.)

If those health benefits AND my delicious recipe didnt sell you on trying out chia seeds…. well, frankly I am quite positive something is wrong with you. Maybe seek some help. I kid kid, but really. These little buggers are amazing, so go out and try some chia seeds! The pudding obviously comes highly recommended as I have been blabbing on about it for ages now. 😛





1:00 | July 8, 2015



Skinny-Belle (3 of 13)

Skinny-Belle (7 of 13)

Skinny-Belle (5 of 13)

Skinny-Belle (4 of 13)



LOOK AT IT. I can’t even. So freaking beautiful.

It wasn’t necessarily the most challenging hike I have done in my life, but HEY. Still counts. The hike up to Cheakamus Lake was about 16km round trip, which sounds impressive but the elevation was not very high so it was easy peasy.

Also I got new hiking boots. I swear to god hikers in Vancouver are so judgey. Try wearing your gym Nike’s on a hike. JUST TRY IT. I dare you. I guarantee some elitist hiker (or whatever you call that breed) will publicly shame you for your inappropriate choice of footwear. This totally happened to me on the last hike I went on to Garibaldi Lake. LOL. Alas, the peer pressure got to me and I went out and got myself the best pair of hiking boots I could find. It feels like I am in some sort of awesome secret club now. Every hiker who I pass gives me a head nod of approval/understanding/RESPECT. Cuz im in the club. And I look legit. And damn straight I give them a nod right back. Because I am IN. 

So I was feeling pretty legit. That was, until I went swimming. HOW COULD I NOT?! Look at the water! After my beautiful and relaxing glacial-water swim (it totally wasn’t relaxing it was fucking freezing) I realized we needed to get going and didn’t want to be hiking for 8km in wet clothing. Soooo I just ended up wearing my sports bra and swim-bottoms for the hike down.

Ya not awkward at all when you pass someone and they are staring at your backside. I like to imagine I looked like a super badass amazon woman who had just fought a black bear or something. Probably was not the case, but I am going to go ahead and continue letting myself think that. (<– Insert a mil crying/laughing emoticons here. I hate that I can’t use emoticons here. The interwebs isn’t letting me live my life!!! Maybe its for the best lol cuz this whole post would just be a range of emoticons, similar to my texting conversations hehe.)

Have any of you guys done any sweet hikes lately? Any good recommendations for me? (Worldwide please!! I am getting a big list of places I want to hike going 🙂 )





1:00 | July 7, 2015



Punk-Look-Sized (6 of 17)


Punk-Look-Sized (12 of 17)

Punk-Look-Sized (5 of 17)


Punk-Look-Sized (17 of 17)


Do you guys also like to wear platform shoes while trying to balance on jagged rocks? I don’t know about you but this was TOTALLY natural and not at ALL scary. K but really though, I was on the verge of eating it the whole time we were shooting these pics. Let’s just say my shoes are not meant for “off-roading.” But I like to live on the wild side. Because that’s just how I roll. 😉 (Also lol at the things I will do to get “the shot.” I am an artist with a VISION, okay?! God.)

*Ahem…* moving right along.

During the winter my regular uniform is usually just black, grey, and some more black and some more grey. I have been wearing lighter and brighter colours for the summertime lately, and I honestly was just craving a little bit of an edgier outfit. Know what I mean?? Girl just wanted to be a rebel. Okay this is super random, but I have this thing where when I am wearing all-black I just feel like a total badass. Like, you can’t be sure what I will do next cuz I’m in all black and thats just so CRAZY AND WILD. Hahaha. I swear its a thing. Anyways, I was missing that feeling of rebelliousness so I brought back my all-black-uniform the other evening. 

Alrighty so my shorts I got at Hollister ($23 right now!!! GO GET EM LADIES) and as far as jean shorts go, they are super comfy. They have a bit of stretch to them which makes the whole experience of wearing jean shorts slightly less agonizing. You guys know what I am talking about lets be honest here. Jean shorts just ride up the entire time you wear them and its like fighting a losing wedgie battle. We have all been there. You can admit it, this is a safe place. 😛 So ya the stretch in the jean shorts makes these way better than normal non-stretch jean shorts.

My top is from Urban Outfitters. I am kind of morally opposed to wearing bras these days unless I am societally obligated to do so. Which is super weird because I normally prefer to wear one to give the illusion that I actually have boobs. But the summer does weird things to a girl! So anyways, I attempted side-boob in this situation but I am quite positive that there was not enough “boob” to have any “side.”

Okie hope you guys liked this outfit! I’m off for now, so thanks for listening to my random ramblings. Love y’all 🙂





1:00 | July 3, 2015






Okay team. Remember my Summer Bucket List post?? Well, I am crossing things off that list one by one! AKA I am living proof that writing something down will actually make you get off your ass and do it. 

So, Summer Bucket List item #2 was to learn to sail. And that is exactly what I did! I mean, by nobody’s standards am I a seasoned pro now or anything. But I went out there, learned the basics, and had blast in the process. Now I can confidently say fancy sailing terms like “port” and “starboard” in my daily jargon. (Anyone who actually knows how to sail right now is just like jesus christ woman…. stfu haha.) 

Also. ALSO. I know I look super useless in those photos but I swear I actually did things. That was just when we were waiting to get in the water so I took the liberty of perching myself up on the boat. Obviously wearing my super fashionable yellow lifejacket. Chic, no?

Have you written down your summer bucket list yet?! If so, whats on it? And are you getting out and crossing things off the list?? Tell me in the comments!





1:20 | July 2, 2015



Skinny-Belle (5 of 20)

Skinny-Belle (16 of 20)



Messy hair, bare feet, ocean. That is pretty much the program I am on right now.

The ocean thoughhhh. That shit just gets me. It is so relaxing and peaceful. I really don’t think I could ever live in a city that was not close to the ocean (or on the West Coast for that matter.) Hence all the beachy photos that have been happening lately haha! The weather is only nice for about 5 months a year here in Vancouver so you will find me by the water pretty much all the time. Staying… Ocean minded, if you will. 🙂

Also jumpers. I have been living in them. But you guys already knew that. I will switch it up soon I promise haha. For today, I bring you another jumper from Urban Outfitters. Those guys are killing it lately! Totally in love with this red and black jumper, it has a low back, is long and flowy, AND I don’t have to wear a bra (<— seriously you you guys. FREEDOM.) Just all the great things in general. 

Hope you are having a great week! Make sure you get outside and enjoy some fresh air. It’s good for ya. 😉






2:19 | July 1, 2015



Skinny-Belle (3 of 4)


Skinny-Belle (2 of 4)


Granola. I love it. All of it.

Well, that’s kind of a lie. I love my homemade HEALTHY granola that isnt loaded with crap sugar and tons of mystery ingredients that none of us can actually pronounce. Seriously though, store bought granola is hella dangerous. That shit is fillllllllllledddddddddddddddd (written really long so I make sure I get your attention) with sugar. A little sugar is good. A lot of corn syrup is bad. Very bad. 

Anyways, my point it: make your own granola. It will taste better and make you feel better because it is wholesome and natural. In the photos above I am eating one of my fave granola recipes, the classic Skinny Belle Granola (think almonds, coconut, cranberries… yaaaaaaassss) with 0% unsweetened greek yogurt and grapefruit. GET. IN. MY. BELLY.

Another great recipe is my Pumpkin Pie Granola. I know its not eat-everything-pumpkin-flavoured-and-be-super-basic season right now, but I personally like to eat this recipe year round. ALSO. Can we talk about the whole “pumpkin” and “basic” thing? I would like to take a stand for my right to love pumpkin without being basic. PSL’s are basic (that’s a for sure) but pumpkin in general is not. *Phew* Glad I got that off my chest. Real deep stuff happening here today friends. 

On another note, HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!! Our beautiful country is 148 years old today. Though we don’t look a day over 29 😉

Anyways, I’m off to the beach! Enjoy these granola recipes, they are the best!





4:00 | June 28, 2015







The other day I teamed up with Vancouver photographer Johnny Se and makeup artist Elena Ismail to do this creative photoshoot! They have such a cool and unique style, so I was super excited to work with them. Not to mention we had so much fun shooting these pics!

The sunburn was SO REAL this day. Like, I was basically like a nice crispy piece of bacon after we were all done. Haha! Usually when I talk about bacon it is in a happy way, but when I am referring to the state of my poor poor sunburnt skin…. not so happy. Considering my ginger status, you think I would have learned by now that when you are going out into the desert that sunscreen is a good idea. Nope. Indeed not the case. 

If you havent already, check out Johnny and Elena’s work! They do some really cool stuff.

Hope you guys are having a good weekend!! Talk soon 🙂





1:00 | June 26, 2015




Flower-Jumper (6 of 6)


Not going to lie this was only my second time or so trying Lebanese food, but I really really liked it! I am so into meals where you get lots of little different things to try. Because one flavour just gets so boringgggg. That is something I really dislike about a lot of “western” foods, in that we just have one big dish for dinner with one thing on it. So lame! I am all about tasting lots of different flavours in one meal. So much more satisfying.

Alright so getting down to it, this restaurant is called Nuba! Their main locations are in Gastown and Kitsilano (Vancouver, Canada) and I definitely prefer the Kits location. It had a beautiful open front where we sat in the fresh air. So nice considering we only have this gorgeous weather for a few months per year here in Vancity! 

We ordered the “La Feast” for two which is a vegetarian sampler that includes lots of different little appies. Perfect for a Lebanese noob like myself :P. When the first course came (baba-ganoush and fresh hummus) I ate SO MUCH OF IT because I thought that the second course wouldn’t be much food. Sweet baby jesus was I mistaken. Like…. WARN A SISTA, NUBA! You should tell really frigging tell people to not be massive pigs on the first course because the second course is HUGE. There were all sorts of dips, olives, cheeses, eggplant stew, lentils, and a bunch of other stuff that I honestly wasn’t quite sure what it was but it was still so bomb. 

Okay another thing that is great about Nuba? They have these unreal fresh squeezed juices that you can get custom made. I got pear, orange, ginger, and lemon. It was bomb. You should make it or go order it at Nuba. See that tall glass of juice in the photo above? Crushed it.

Anywho, I am stokeddd to go to Nuba again and try ordering some more different things off the menu. If it is your first time going, I would defs recommend you get the “La Feast”, because its a great way to try a bunch of different things when you really have no idea what the hell to order haha. 

For my Vancouver friends, have you been to Nuba before? Did you like it? Yay? Nay? Tell me in the comments below!! <3





1:00 | June 25, 2015









HOW FUN IS THIS OUTFIT?! <– see you know how fun I think it is by the emphasis I put on the letters by writing them in caps lock. Hilar? No? 

Well anywho, I think this outfit is actually so much fun. There is something about jumpers that make me feel like a little kid running around amiss on the beach. Digging holes in the sand and then throwing the sand-mud at my mom. Just kidding, I would never do that. I was a little angel as a child. (Or so my mother tells me I was. hehe) Also speaking of my mother, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMSIES!!!!!! (<– see I also wrote this in caps to emphasis the importance and excitement!!! K stopping now.)

Anyways, this post is dedicated to my wonderful mother. Who really should make her own twitter account so she can warn the general public about all the dangers and harm that could get them in this world. For example, the other day she told me to not walk without shoes in a dog park cuz I could step in shit. #WISDOM. She also told me never to take candy from strangers. Needless to say that one went out the window. If someone wants to give me free candy you sure as hell bet I will take it.

All jokes aside, thank you for being the best mom in the whole wide world. You raised me to be crazy enough to think I can do anything, and have given me every opportunity a girl could ever want. (I am still waiting for my Lamborghini but I guess that can wait for my next birthday. I would like a black one please.) Anyways, I love you and you are the best…. SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! I hope I look just as fab as you when I turn 29 🙂 (don’t kill me for this post please.)






6:30 | June 24, 2015







Meet the best supplement I have found thus far for the health of my skin, hair, and nails. I do lots of things to take care of my skin on a daily basis, because I really do believe that the totality of your skincare efforts will bring a long term positive change to your skin. It is kind of like my perspective on eating and the whole 80/20 rule. (<– that is whole another can of worms that we will crack open later with another blog post! Be excited. 😛 ) But this little secret of mine has been by far the most effective in the shortest amount of time. Like, you guys…. I could actually SEE the results after about 3 months of taking it. And that feels freaking fantastic if you ask me.

Before I go any further… meet BioSil. It is great, you should go and buy it at your local nutrition supplement store ASAP. Like, yesterday. As you guys already know, I am all about prevention when it comes to skincare. It is soooo much easier to prevent wrinkles than it is to try and fix them once you have them. Trust me on this one.

Okay so what does BioSil do that makes me love it so much?

  • Removes wrinkles and actually prevents (!!!) them from forming. HAPPINESS.
  • Improves the thickness, body, and strength of your hair. I have the weakest hair ever so this was a major bonus for me. And yes, I have seen a noticeable improvement in my hair 🙂
  • Makes your bones and joints stronger! This is so essential to feeling healthy and beautiful for your whole life. If you are constantly in pain from aching bones/joints, you will not be a happy camper. Prevention, people!
  • Your nails will grow like crazy! My nails have never been as long or strong as they are now. It is the best.

The above benefits of taking BioSil occur because of the silicon and choline contained in each capsule. I am not a scientist or doctor by any means (girl faints at just the thought of a needle, I am a delicate flower don’t judge me 😛 ) but this is what I have found to work for me. Please do your own research and consult your doctor to see if BioSil is right for you!

Here are the links for the other skincare supplements I like, including: Gelatin and Borage Oil. Enjoy this little tipity-tip! (Or pretty major one, if you ask me.) 

Have you guys tried BioSil before? Heard of it? Tell me in the comments below! <3



