The other day someone asked me what my favourite food was. Without even thinking I answered “salted tortilla chips.” Honestly, if I could have them with every single meal of the day I would. There is something so satisfying and delicious about the nice crunch and the saltiness of corn tortilla chips. Oh god I am getting hungry again just thinking about it haha!
To feed my tortilla chip addiction (rehab is not necessary yet…lol I kid I kid) I created my own home made tortilla chips. In addition to my tortilla chip addiction, I also have a lime addiction. For anything that tastes good with limes I tend to add about 6 times the amount of lime that any other normal human would. Why? Because limes taste freaking AWESOME. Given my natural need to be efficient with all things in life, I was quickly lead to combining my two favourite things. Salted tortilla chips + lime = heaven.
And I’m not talking about the Tostitos crap where there is some sort of sketchy green powder all over the chips that someone called “lime.” (Okay those taste really good too but they are so bad for you.) Back to the point here… my Lime & Sea Salt Chip recipe was born. And yes, it really is a simple as it sounds.
Want to make your own chips at home? Here’s the skinny:
- Corn tortillas (usually found near taco making stuff)
- Limes
- Sea salt (coarse)
Turn your oven on to 350. I usually don’t even let it preheat all the way, I just turn it on a minute or so before I want to use it. Next, cut up your corn tortillas into the desired chip size (it’s an art, really 😉 ) Lay out the corn tortilla pieces on a baking sheet. Make sure they are not overlapping each other. Squeeze some lime all over the chips. The more lime, the more flavour. YUM. And lastly, sprinkle salt all over your chips! I like to use really coarse sea salt, but use whatever you like best!
Now toss this in the oven and WATCH IT CLOSELY. I am not kidding here. These go from soft to burnt in like 0.00000005 of a second. At least that has been my experience haha. Watch them in the oven for about 6 – 9 minutes. Do not forget about them!! They will burn. You have been warned.
Once they are just slightly browning on the tips, take the chips out of the oven and let them cool for a second (it will be hard but do your best) and then go ahead and dig in! These Lime & Sea Salt Chips taste great with my Skinny Belle Guacamole for Cheaters or my favourite Pink Hummus.
Okay now one last thing… why should you bother making your own chips? They are soooo much healthier! They are not deep fried, there are no weird preservatives added to them, and you can just make as many as you want to eat! I don’t know about you guys but if I have a large bag of chips in front of me, it is super hard to not just crush the whole thing lol. So homemade is always better for health reasons, and I find it fun to make them myself too!
Have you ever made your own chips before? Do you have a different way of doing it? I want to know!! Comment below <3