12:04 | October 7, 2014







Let’s get down to it. There are literally millions of products you can buy to wash your face with, all claiming they will beautify, anti-wrinkle, tone, cleanse, remove redness, unclog pores, etc… the list goes on. I’m not going to lie, it took me a really long time to figure it out what worked for me. I spent stupid amounts of money on skin care products that have left my skin worse than before using them. I would buy products and that would make me break out, and (being me) I was too stubborn to actually stop using the product so I would keep using it until it was done anyways. Smart? No. Stubborn? Yes.

I decided that I needed to take all the unnecessary steps out of my face wash routine. All I really needed to do was remove my makeup and clean my skin so it could breathe at night. Simple. This took me back the basics of staying fresh and clean, a good old fashioned bar of soap. Yup, just a simple bar of soap.

Considering that I have THE most sensitive skin ever (its so annoying, trust me) there are a few key things I look for when buying a bar of soap to cleanse my face with.

What to look for:

1) No perfumes. They irritate your skin like there is no tomorrow, and if we are being real 99% of perfumed soap smells kinda sketchy anyways lol.

2) The soap needs to be hypoallergenic. This means the product causes fewer allergic reactions than other products (according to whoever makes it.) There are not really any standards to show how hypoallergenic a product is, but generally speaking it should be less likely to irritate your skin.

See?! Simple! All I do is wash my face with this once night and in the morning (and obvi moisturize after,) and my skin looks the best it ever has! This is what works best for me, what is your skin care routine? I would love to hear about it in the comments below! 🙂



