





In the winter time I am totally guilty of wearing all black, all the time. It might also be a Vancouver thing because I feel like everyone here just wears black all winter long! I have been trying to switch it up lately and wear a bit more colour, but today I went back to my usual all-black ensemble and was loving it haha.

So it was the windiest day EVER when we shot these photos. For real. I was trying to be like Beyonce (in all her glorious fabulousness) with her constant wind fan, but my attempts were futile at best. I have got to hand it to the woman… HOW DOES SHE CONTROL HER HAIR with all that wind!! It was basically impossible, so I went for the “I’m going really fast on a boat” look with my hair. Not that I had a choice LOL.

Moving right along… Lets start with the shoes. Because they are beauuutifulll and I love them. Michael Kors made these bad boys, and I can’t get enough of their asymmetrical shape. So gorgeous.

My skirt (which is actually a dress, sneaky sneaky) is from Club Monaco. The dress’ neoprene material is super cool because it makes it hold a really nice shape. The sweater is from American Apparel and it is definitely a staple piece for me in the winter. Throw a nice big sweater on top of any outfit and I am one happy camper!

What are your staple clothing pieces for the winter time? Comment below and let me know!





35 Replies to “BLACK ON BLACK”

  1. Well, let me tell you that you look totally gorgeous and you hair looks great, even in the windiest day ever! I love the All-black look, I think I’m in the “all-black” team as well, or maybe gray.
    Oh! and my staple clothing pieces for winter time are definitely the sweaters, I’m a “sweater-weather” girl. XOXO

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