Dress: Honey Punch / Shoes: Stuart Weitzman
When I tried this dress on in the store, I thought, “oooohhh so pretty and chic! I could definitely wear this to a wedding this summer.” Promptly marching my butt up to the cashier I bought the dress + about 14 other things. (Shopaholic, anyone??) In hindsight after looking at these photos, the dress is still very cute and I love it but Vegas would be a more appropriate place to wear it. ? I most certainly underestimated the level of see-through it has going on and the very deep V in the front. Regardless, who could be mad about an excuse to go to Vegas? Not me. That’s who.
Ok totally RANDOM rant, but have you guys noticed how EVERY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM EVER now has “live stories”? We are talking WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat (obviously.) This is sooooo unbelievably unneccesary and nobody is using the feature on any platform other that Instagram and Snapchat. I blame this excessive use of stories on Facebook entirely, becasue they own both Instagram and Whatsapp. We get it, you tried to buy Snapchat they turned you down and now you are determined to show them their product ain’t shit by putting it in literally every single other platform you own. In a way, I respect your rage. ? BUT, let’s think about the user for a second shall we? I do nottttt need to be posting stories on all platforms I use. WhatsApp, for example, is not a social networking platform (in my opinion.) It is a messaging platform and it is not entirely relevant to have live stories on a messaging app. The following meme perfectly describes my feelings about this subject:

LOL. Can you imagine. Hilarious. So a public message from me to Facebook: STOP THIS MADNESS. Nobody wants stories on Facebook mobile or WhatsApp. Kthxbi.
Anyways, random rant. But that’s how things go around here ? Thanks for sticking around and hanging with me 🙂 Maybe you come here for the cute outfits, travel photos, and bikini pics… but sometimes you get a serious side of random ramblings. And for reading that, I love and appreciate you. ?