Late night snacking is a super easy habit to slide into, and can lead to negative health effects over time… mainly excess weight gain. Late night snacking is basically any food that you consume after dinner. For me, this usually used to be when I was lurking around the fridge with the door hanging open having little bites of everything haha! I was definitely guilty of being a serious night snacker! 😛
Getting into the habit of snacking at night is a dangerous cycle. As you are chowing down on your junk food of choice (rarely is a night time snack a healthy snack) you are getting fuller and fuller before bed. When you wake up in the morning, chances are you will still feel full from the night before. This will make you want to skip breakfast. Eating breakfast is soooo important for your overall health (<– post coming on this soon!) and skipping it will mess up your eating schedule. Bad news for everyone. So, how can you stop those nasty little (or big) late night snacks from happening?
Here’s the skinny:
1) Brush your teeth after dinner! This is such a simple little action but it seriously helps you think twice about reaching for the chips. This works for me mainly because I am lazy and don’t want to have to brush my teeth again (anyone else with me?! Haha)
2) Eat a good dinner. If you deny yourself during dinner time, it will just catch up with you later at night when you are reaching for the fridge doors in the wee hours of the night. So make sure you have a healthy filling dinner that wont leave you hungry an hour later.
3) Drink tea! I find drinking my favourite tea or hot water with lemon at night a great distraction from mindless snacking. The warm drink will satisfy you and keep your hands busy so you aren’t looking to grab some junk food.
4) Do something at night OTHER than watching TV. Watching TV at night can be a major snacking trigger. It is an un-engaging activity and many people find themselves craving treats while watching their favourite show. Try reading a book or doing another hobby you enjoy at night. It will keep you distracted and be way more enriching than watching TV anyways. 😛
These tips have worked great for me, and helped me stop my late night snacking habit! What do you do to avoid late night snacking? I would love to hear your tips in the comments below! <3