Every few weeks I do a coconut oil hair mask to keep my hair moisturized, smooth, and healthy. I have super dry hair so it’s really important for me to keep up this routine to keep my hair soft, and not feeling like a stack of hay haha. So, if you’re like me and have really dry or damaged hair this one-ingredient hair mask will keep your hair feeling silky and smooth! If you are one of the lucky ladies who has thick healthy hair, this is also a great shine booster every once and a while if you want some extra glisten in your beautiful long locks.
Let’s get down to it. This is literally the simplest hair mask ever haha, which is part of the reason I love it so much. We are all busy women, and definitely have more important things to do than fiddle about making a complicated hair mask. Know what I mean??
So, here’s the skinny:
1) Buy some virgin coconut oil. Make sureee it’s virgin. Virgin oil is a higher quality oil that is made of just the pressed fruit without any additives. Aka, it is more natural and all around better for you!
2) Before you go to bed put the lots of coconut oil on the TIPS of your hair. The worst (driest) part of your hair is the part where you should apply the most oil, then work your way up until you have covered all the most damaged parts of your hair. If you put it all over your head (up to the roots) it will take FOREVER to wash out. Trust me, I took one for the team and tried it… just, don’t do it haha.
3) Put your oiled up hair (lol) into a braid and sleep overnight on it. I usually don’t cover my hair with anything because if the oil gets on your pillow it’s actually really good for your skin anyways. 🙂
4) Wash your hair in the morning as usual and enjoy your refreshed silky hair!
This hair mask has worked wonders for me, and I love how simple it is! Doesn’t get much easier than one ingredient LOL! 😉 Give this a go and let me know what you think!!