Possibly the most fun to film… ever!
This was SO FUN to film!! Loved having my friend Iggy come on my channel today and share our do’s and don’ts of dating!
Possibly the most fun to film… ever!
This was SO FUN to film!! Loved having my friend Iggy come on my channel today and share our do’s and don’ts of dating!
Exploring Lake Atitlan!
Makes me sad to say this is the last Guatemala vlog! Such a fun trip, and beautiful country.
Hope you enjoy this edit from Lake Atitlan 🙂
Guatemalan adventures!
It has been A WEEK, let me tell you. Here are my first two vlogs from my Guatemala trip. And unfortunately no, the second is not clickbait, we were almost robbed while hiking!
Guatemala is such a beautiful country, and I had a great time even though there were some sketchy incidents throughout the trip.
Hope you enjoy the vlogs! Make sure you head over to my YouTube and leave a comment!
Finally time to share…
Well, there you have it. Today’s video shares a medical condition that I’ve struggled with my entire life.
Wasn’t sure if I should post this one but it is a larger part of my life than I would like it to be, so it felt like the right thing to do. Another reason I wanted to share is we are all fighting our own battles, and you can never be sure what someone else is dealing with! So be kind to one another, in the words of Ellen Degeneres.
Alrighty that’s it from me for today! I’m actually already in Guatemala and it’s time to shut down this computer and go exploreeee! Stay tuned for the vids 🙂
Been a minute since I’ve posted…
So I figured the best way to come back was with a Q&A!!! JK, I’m not that organized. It just happened that when I got my shit together and had a minute to breathe aka blog, the video I was posting was a Q&A.
That being said, this was actually my first Q&A! How exciting. Everyone’s questions were about Troy though hahaha. Love talking about him so that’s all good with me 🙂
Hope you enjoyed this video!
Also, I will explain what happened at the end soon. Promise.