Every day something new is attacking me 🤣 Really it’s just me being a chicken licken but ye know.. there’s a lot of bugs and wild animals here.
So yeah. The other day we were VISCOUSLY ATTACKED BY MONKEYS IN OUR OWN HOME. Troy doesn’t think this was a viscous attack. I highly disagree and think the footage speaks for itself. 😤 Also what is UP with the fact that they legit didn’t leave until HE started yelling. Apparently my terrified shrieking wasn’t giving the monkeys the authoritative vibes they required to GTFO. 🙄
It was honestly kind of hard to edit this video because I hate those damn monkeys so much now haha! They still scare me a bit when watching it. It’s just so weird being right beside (like we were 2- 4 ft away) wild animals. Wild animals who are coming at you with their frickin fangs out. FANGS. OUT.
Oh yeah and hissing. There was that too.🙃🙃🙃🔥🔥🔥
Anywho, I live to die another day in this crazy bleep-of-time we call life.
Nothing matters in this life, we are here for a second, and gone the next. Do what you gotta do to make YOU HAPPY, and fuck the rest of it. Because this shit is most definitely not a test run, and there are no second chances. ONE LIFE LET’S DO IT RIGHT.
Honestly every time I blog late at night I have a burning desire to share all my deep dark musings and CAN’T BE TAMED. But meh. Dis my blog and I say what I wantttttt. 😝
Rainmaker Park, is located about 40 mins outside Manuel Antonio. We decided to go here instead of Manuel Antonio National Park, as our local AirBnb hosts let us know that the national park was a comparable experience to the zoo.
As in, there are hoards of tours/tour guides (I HATE tour-y things) and well… yeah that’s pretty much all they told us and it was more than enough to change our plans from National Park –> private park.
Fun fact, Rainmaker Park is for sale. See, wasn’t that a fun little fact?
Anyways, there was a hella lotta nature in that place. A bit too much nature for my liking. I think I need a break from all poisonous ants, bugs, etc for like… ever.
For real tho, the other driving we’ve done this trip (Tamarindo –> Santa Teresa) was roughhhh. We are talking zero pavement, driving through river beds, the whole nine yards. Very Indiana Jones.
Anywho, in this travel vlog we drove from Jaco to Manuel Antonio! Ohhh myyyy gosh was I ever happy to GTFO of Jaco. Our last night was beyond brutal, there was legit sewage flowing into our room at midnight…
I. Can’t. Even. 😭
So yeah, I was happy to hightail outta that place, and head on to our boujee AirBnb in Manuel Antonio! ALREADY SO IN LOVE!!
But unfortunately, I was indeed catfished into staying at the biggest party hostel in Jaco, Costa Rica this week.
First off, WHY THE F IS A PARTY HOSTEL ON AIRBNB?! Like, why. 😫
Second, I could kiiiiind of tell it wasn’t going to be our vibe (aka chic and chill and QUIET) when I booked but the pickins were especially slim in Jaco so I had to go ahead and do it.
Anyways, sleep has been on a minimum since arriving in Jaco as our “luxury room” is immediately next to the pool bar. 🙄
This hostel (Selina) would actually be pretty dope if I was not a grandma👵🏻and interested in going out every night. In college, I likely would have been all about this place.
But now, my body is a TEMPLE (lol kind of ) and I am trying to keep wrinkles at a minimum. Partying does not help that situation. 😂 Also, Troy works every morning at 7. Soooooo not super ideal for us.
What I am trying to say is Selina Jaco (there is a huge chain of Selina hostels, and the one that we saw in Santa Teresa was sooo chill! Not like this at all.) should 150% not be allowed to even be posted on AirBnb. You see, AirBnb posts select boutique hotels and private homes. This place definitely isn’t under that category lol.
Anywho, we have a pretty savage AirBnb review coming their way, mostly because it’s not an appropriate posting to be on the platform. As I write this people are “wooooooing” like is spring break 2005 from the pool outside our room.
LOL. Im seriously so old. Listen to me. 😂
But anyways, tomorrow we leave for Manuel Antonio (!!!!!) AND IM SO FING EXCITED. YOU KNOW WHY??
Girl is on a sloth hunt, I swear. If I don’t see one I will be crushed.
Anyways, about to put in my ear plugs so I can get a few winks tonight.