7:25 | September 2, 2016



Robyn Gummer (12 of 18)


Robyn Gummer (8 of 18)


Robyn Gummer (1 of 18)

Dress: Zara / Shoes: Stuart Weitzman

This jumper is out of control cute. Was one of the funnest things that I’ve worn in a really long time haha. If it isn’t already obvious I loveeee to rock a good jumper, but the floral pattern on this one was just to-die-for. Zara just got these in and they are only $70 so I would get on that and pick one up quick if I were you. ?

ALSO. Friends who live in Vancouver… where did summer go? Why is this happening? Monday morning this week it just turned full on rainy/gross/dark/cold fall. I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS. Girl was not ready for rainy season yet, and this sudden change in temperature is coming as a bit of a slap in the face if you ask me. Yes, the rainy season does bring snow on the mountains (which is THE BEST thing ever… because skiing ?) but I still wasn’t ready. Looks like I am going to have to take a trip south soon. ?

Anywho, enough complaining. IT’S FRIDAY PEOPLE! And we have a gorgeous long weekend ahead of us!!!

What are you going to be doing this weekend? Comment below!!



7:41 | August 31, 2016



Robyn Gummer (12 of 12)-2

Robyn Gummer (6 of 12)

Robyn Gummer (10 of 12)

Robyn Gummer (8 of 12)
Robyn Gummer (9 of 12)

Jumper: Morrisday | The Label

How gorgeous is this spot?! Shot these photos at a super cute little heritage building in Osoyoos this past weekend. For those of you who have never been Osoyoos is located about 4 and a half hours out of Vancouver, and it is to-die-for. 

There is a gorgeous lake, vineyards everywhere, local fruit orchards, and a unique desert landscape. Osoyoos is definitely one of my top spots to visit in British Columbia. 

Now it’s back in the city for a few days. Desperately need to clean my house + get unpacked from all this travel lately haha. Better late than never ?



10:17 | August 28, 2016



Skinny Belle Recipe (1 of 9)

Skinny Belle Recipe (2 of 9)

Skinny Belle Recipe (3 of 9)

Skinny Belle Recipe (8 of 9)

Skinny Belle Recipe (5 of 9)

Skinny Belle Recipe (4 of 9)

Skinny Belle Recipe (6 of 9)

A zesty little pasta salad to brighten up your day!

Really don’t want to give myself toooooooooo much credit here, but I TOTALLY KILLED THIS ONE. Heaven on a plate. 

Fresh cherry heirloom tomatoes getting all amongst the basil + penne? I don’t even need to sell this one. Nothing about that combination could possibly be wrong. 

So let’s just get down to it.


Lemon Dressing

  • 3 parts EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
  • 2 parts fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • Finely ground sea salt
  • Coarse ground pepper
  • Garlic powder


  • Cooked penne (al dante)
  • Red + yellow heirloom cherry tomatoes
  • Fresh basil chopped (or not, if you’re bad like that ?)
  • Thinly sliced purple onion
  • More salt + pepper to taste! 

And here’s how we do it folks.

Step 1: Make your dressing. Just put all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk together. I like to go wild with the garlic (because flavour,) so I use a VERY generous pinch of garlic in my dressing. Living on the wild side, I’m aware. ?

Step 2: Throw all your salad ingredients in a bowl, and lightly toss and add one last dash of salt and pepper. 

This should take you no more than 20 minutes in total to make, and probably under 3 minutes to consume. If you eat like me, that is. AKA like a rabid dog. (Wish I was kidding.) ?

My Lemon Basil Penne Salad is perrrrfect for a summer lunch or BBQ. 

Try it out and let me know how it goes! 





12:25 | August 26, 2016



Robyn Gummer (3 of 19)

Robyn Gummer (16 of 19)

Robyn Gummer (8 of 19)

Robyn Gummer (13 of 19)

Robyn Gummer (7 of 19)

Jean Jacket: Treasure & Bond / Flanel: Treasure & Bond / Dress: Aritzia / Shoes: Adidas

Beautiful British Columbia… will I ever get over you?!

BC is one of the most gorgeous places in the summertime, and I really doubt I will ever stop being amazed by its beauty. During the summer months I always make a point of exploring new places, so my latest conquest was the Sea-to-Sky Gondola in Squamish! This wasn’t big on my list of things to do because it kind of felt like the cheaters way to do the Chief (a popular hiking spot right next to the gondola.) That being said, once I was up there, the view was from a totally different perspective of that of the Chief! And there was beer. There definitely isn’t any beer at the top of the Chief. Winning.

These outfit shots were taken on one of the trails up the Sea-to-Sky Gondola. Totally obsessed with these drapey coats, they are the perfect transition item to add to your closet as our summer days get juuuuustttt a little too chilly to not bring a sweater out. This was my first time buying from the brand Treasure & Bond, but so far so good! Super happy with these picks.

Also my little red neck tie… OBSESSED. Picked this little baby up at a vintage shop in downtown Vancouver. Feeling it. 

What do you think of this outfit? Comment below!



8:04 | August 23, 2016



Skinny Belle (2 of 9)

Taste like heaven and are basically negative calories. WINNING.

If you have yet to discover the wonder and joy of rice paper wraps, you have not lived. I repeat…. HAVE NOT LIVED.

These little wraps are the perfect vehicle for veggies/fruit/protein, basically whatever floats your boat. The calorie content in them is negligible which obviously leaves more room for Nutella later.

The only downside — they are tricker little suckers to wrap. Once you get the hang of it you will be fine, but I have to warn you the first few might be a little rough haha. ?

Ready to get started? Here is what you need:

  • Rice paper wraps
  • Lettuce
  • Avocado
  • Red cabbage
  • Black sesame seeds
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Mango
  • Fresh Cilantro

Step 1: Chop up all your ingredients very fine.

Step 2: Get a large bowl and fill it with warm water.

Step 3: Completely submerge your rice paper wrap for about 5 seconds in the bowl of water. Then, place it on a flat surface and let it sit for another 5 – 10 seconds until it becomes sticky. 

Step 4: Put your ingredients of choice in the middle of the wrap, and wrap it up like a burrito! 

BOOM. Done!

Typically these are eaten with peanut sauce (which is not so good for you + annoying to make) so I decided just to eat mine with some spicy thai sauce I had in the fridge and soy sauce. Tasted delish to meeee. 

Thoughts? Comment below!



