A simple way to get a beautiful dewy makeup look!
Meet my latest makeup obsession, MAC Prep + Prime Fix+. This stuff is the BEST. It will give you a beautiful dewy finish on your already fab makeup look. Plus, it helps hold your makeup in place and not get all creasy and crusty throughout the day. (Nasty.)
Ever feel like you finish powdering, bronzing, and countering and your face just looks SO dry? Well MAC’s Prep + Prime Fix+ will take that dry powdery look down a notch and make your skin look glowy, youthful, and dewy. Like I said, totally obsessed.
How do you use it?
Step 1: After you wash and moisturize your face, hold the spray a foot or so away from your face and give it a few light spritzes.
Step 2: Do your makeup like the bad bitch you are.
Step 3: After you finish your makeup, holding the Mac Prep + Prime Fix+ a foot away from your face, give it another two sprays and wait for it to dry.
And voila! Beautiful dewy skin.
This has honestly changed the makeup game for me. My skin is fairly dry so I frequently use this mid-day to add some extra moisture to my face and refresh it. Having a clean dewy face is the perfect look for summer, and is much more natural in my opinion. 😁
What do you guys think? Have you tried this yet? Comment below!
My top tips to prep for bikini season!
It is just about that time of year where the weather is getting hotter, days longer (thank the lord for that), and the beach is calling your name. Until, that is, you realize your pale ass hasn’t seen the gym since September and you are still losing your “Christmas holiday” weight…. Ahhhh yes. The joys of spring. There is nothing like the thought of being in a bikini in public to make you want to crawl under the covers and just avoid the whole situation.
But, this is where I am here to help. DO NOT FEAR.
There are a few simple things you can do to prepare yourself to be a total babe at the beach this summer.
LITERALLY CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Have you ever seen a girl walking around in her swimsuit like she owns the damn beach? You just know she feels great, and because of that… she looks even better. How you carry yourself and how you feel about yourself has a huge impact on your appearance. If you are withdrawn and slouchy and looking all insecure, A) chances are you are not having any fun at all, and B) it is obvious. So throw those shoulders back, and strut your stuff lady!! Seriously, we are all unique and that is what makes us so beautiful. If we all looked like weird alien clones (a look that is kind of trending right now unfortunately) things would be so boring. So be confident, love yourself, and just have FUN.
Annnnnnnnd if you want to go the extra mile to prep that bikini bod, here are a few more tips:
Keep a journal
Sounds a bit weird, but sometimes you are not even aware of your poor eating habits because they have become… habits. If you actually write down everything you eat in a day (this INCLUDES mini snacks and “bites”) you may be surprised at how many wasted calories you consume in a day. Try this even for a few days and it will be really eye opening, and a good starting point to know where you need to make some changes to get your bikini bod in check!
Cut the snacks
Snacks are the best yet worst things ever. If I let myself, I would be snacking all day long every day. Having little bites of lots of different foods is my FAVE thing. Unfortunately that is how you consume way more than you normally would while thinking you really aren’t eating anything at all. Seemingly innocent bites add up quickly. So beware of snacking, shit is dangerous haha.
Start with cardio
I am a bigggg fan of doing cardio to kickstart my workout routine when I have been slacking on my fitness for a while. The feeling of having big healthy lungs and getting your blood pumping is literally the best thing in the world. It makes me feel overall so much healthier. Once I have been doing cardio for a while and feel comfortable with fitness again, then I add in my core workouts.
When it comes down to it, looking your best is all about feeling your best. If you feel like a queen, you will look like one. Easy peasy babes. So remember, you are beautiful inside and out! Go git yo-self on the beach and rock it!
Uhmmmmmm YES PLEASE. Get in my belly, right meow.
Okay so realistically I wanted to call this post “shit on toast” but I am making a serious effort to be more of a lady and to sound less like a trucker. #lifegoals. Big things happening over here people, I know.
Either way, you get the message. Toast with stuff on it is always a win in my books. Someone told me the other day that they think the only thing I eat is toast and avocado. While this is not entirely true, it definitely has some truth to it. It is just so easy to make and always tastes so good. I am big on using fresh herbs and natural ingredients to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary.
This avo toast recipe is so easy I am not even sure I can call it a recipe. Going to do it anyways though cuz it makes me feel better about myself lol. You can have it for breakfast, a snack, lunch, or dinner. Depending on how much you eat/how hungry you are.
Ok friends, let’s do this thing.
- 1 soft avocado
- Handful of radishes (“peel” them with a potato peeler to take them sliced nice and thin)
- Fresh cilantro
- Slice of lemon (used to squeeze on top of everything one it’s done)
- Pea shoots
- Pepitas seeds (totally messed this one up and forgot to put the seeds on pre-photos. Put the pepitas on, they taste bomb diggity.)
- Rosemary infused bread from Whole Foods (my current fave, use whatever bread you have in your house.)
Step 1: Toast the toast.
Step 2: Put stuff on your toast.
BOOM. Science.
See?! So simple but you will be SO impressed with how good it tastes. You literally can’t go wrong (well if you really try I am sure you could) with fresh ingredients that taste delish.
Want more recipes of stuff on toast from Skinny Belle? Click here and click here for two other bomb recipes. I especially like this goat cheese and avo recipe, it is crazy good.
Nothing like a little black dress in Paris!
A few more photos from my Paris trip the other week for you guys!
Diddddd I mention I fell in love with Paris? Yep. Totally head-over-heels in love. This also could have been heavily impacted by the fact that I was drunk on croissants and macarons the entire time. Chocolate wasted for sure. I am literally the biggest sucker for anything sweet/carby/delicious so being in Paris was the equivalent of being a kid in a candy shop for me.
Also can we talk about how people dress in Paris? Everyone just looks better. The women are all SO beauti, I felt like a total creep just staring at everyone and trying to understand why French women are just so…. Je ne sais quoi. Creepiness aside, the women in France really do put themselves together fantastically and I was defs inspired by the style there.
Since I was in Paris, I decided what better to go with than a little black dress. It is a classic piece that you can literally wear 100 times in a hundred different ways. Which is totally winning in my books. What do you guys think? Oui? No? Comment below!!
ALSO, I am a bit late to this party (what else is new lol) but add me on snapchat! 👻@robynkim Let’s be friends 🙂
Love love!