10:40 | February 16, 2016



Skinny-Belle (28 of 36)


Skinny-Belle (1 of 36)


Skinny-Belle (25 of 36)

Skinny-Belle (8 of 36)

Sweater: Artizia / Jeans: Citizens of Humanity

Hey babes! How is your week going? I don’t know about you guys but this one is hella busy for me and I pretty much can’t wait ’til it’s over haha. But, busy is good. So it’s alllll good.

Lately I have totally been feeling the flared jean look. Honestly my calves have never felt better… 😂 LOL! Like… they are finally fucking free from skinny jeans. The freedom is so real ladies. Anyone else feel me on this? Yay? Nay? Hahah yep… free calves. That is what it has come to here. #sorrynotsorry

Also spring is coming up, and I am super into neutral shades at this time of year. Think creams and whites. All about it.

Have a good rest of your week!





8:31 | February 14, 2016




My valentines <3

Happy Valentines Day everyone!! Hope you are all having a day filled with love and happiness. I’ve written a bit on this before, but I don’t see Valentines Day just for those who are in a relationship. I like to use Valentines Day as a great excuse to spread the love to all the amazing people in my life. It is such a great opportunity to reach out to someone and make them feel extra special. 😊 

And men, if you are in a relationship, for the love of god do something special for your girlfriend. (Haha had to plug that in there.) This goes for you too ladies!

This year I decided to do something a bit different and held an event to raise funds for one of my favourite organizations, the Ronald McDonald House. I used to volunteer and fundraiser for RMH a lot in university, and thought Valentines Day was the perfect inspiration to get back into it. 

So don’t be blue today if you are single babes. Celebrate the fantastic people you have in your life. There is so much you can do to brighten up someones day and make yourself feel great in the process. 💕 

Lots of love!





7:31 | February 12, 2016



Skinny-Belle (9 of 11)

Skinny-Belle (5 of 1111111111)

A flirty little suit by the babes at Soulstice Swim!

Looking back on some more photos from my Philippines trip over the holidays, and I came across these beauties. This definitely wasn’t the most ideal day (muggy AF and cloudy) but it was our very last day on Puerto Galera, and we made the most of it anyways! Right about now another vacation sounds like a faannnnntastic idea to me. Beach, swimsuits, beers all day long? Yep. Sign me up

For now it’s back to reality and seeing where my next adventure takes me! Also Valentines Day is coming up this weekend! Do you guys remember my post last year about Valentines? Click here to check it out. It is such a cute little holiday, even if you don’t have a bf. Just think about it as an opportunity to spread the love in any way that you can 😊 But, more on that later babes.






6:48 | February 9, 2016



Skinny-Belle (2 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (1 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (5 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (10 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (3 of 10)

Friends of Ours – The cutest brunch spot in London!

It would literally be a crime to go to London and not eat crumpets. And obviously while eating them be talking in a horrible English accent. “CRUMPETS! I’M IN ENGLAND EATING CRUMPETS!” <– shouted in a British accent.😂 Literally everyone in the restaurant hated me. I definitely would hate me too. 

Anyways, discovered the best little brunch spot that had the most bomb crumpet brekkie. Figs, honey, shortbread (uhg dying writing about this I want it again haha), some kind of weird English cheese, and just all around deliciousness.

The place is called “Friends of Ours” and is located in Shoreditch. Highllllllly recommend you check it out if you want to have a party in your mouth. <– lol. The coffee there was also to-die-for. Had an americano, and was it ever delish.

Happy Tuesday! Want to check out some recipes you can make for dinner this week? Check out the “Food” section on the tab above. 😋





7:44 | February 4, 2016



Robyn-Gummer (3 of 15)

Robyn-Gummer (15 of 15)


Robyn-Gummer (8 of 15)


Robyn-Gummer (2 of 15)

Sweater: Cheap Monday (similar) / Jeans: Citizens of Humanity / Shoes: Timberland

More snaps from London!

I am totalllllly obsessed with this look right now. A gigantic baggy sweater with my Timberland heels is pretty much my fall uniform. This outfit happens way more often than I care to admit lol.

Reasons baggy sweaters rock?

  1. They look chic AF.
  2. Comfort is king.
  3. Lots of room for eating (priorities.)
  4. When its f*cking freezing out, there is nothing cozier than a huge sweater.

Reasons I am OBSESSED with my Timbs?

  1. I feel like a hood chick while wearing them which leads to me feeling like a badass which leads to happiness. #science
  2. WATERPROOF. Anyone living in Vancouver understands why this is so important.
  3. Comfort is king. Again. So freakin’ comfy. 

Okay babes I gotta run!! Love you all to the moon and back. <3 



