1:27 | August 24, 2015



Robyn-Gummer (1 of 11)

Robyn-Gummer (3 of 11)

Robyn-Gummer (8.1 of 11)

Robyn-Gummer (4 of 11)


Hey guys! A few mixed snaps for you from my Sunday funday yesterday. Spent the day making brunch with the girls, and hitting up a beautiful spot in West Vancouver after to catch some rays. Totally was the perfect way to end a great week! 

Hope you are all having a great start to your Monday. Stay tuned, there is lots of great stuff coming your way this week! 





9:51 | August 23, 2015



Robyn-Gummer (4 of 7)

Robyn-Gummer (1 of 7)

Robyn-Gummer (6 of 7)

Robyn-Gummer (2 of 7)


Ladies, it is time to talk makeup. Get your game faces on, we are doing this live.

If you haven’t seen it already you need to check out my 5 minute makeup routine post. That shit is the only reason I get out of the house every day looking half-decent and not like Gollum from The Hobbit.

Today’s topic builds a bit more on that 5 minute makeup routine. Contouring is literally is the best thing I have ever learned. Okay, maybe not literally the best thing ever…. but it makes me pretty happy haha.

Without further adieu…. let’s talk contouring.

Contouring is basically adding shadows to your face in certain places to enhance your natural bone structure, and give more shape to your face. It looks amazing when you do it right. Notice I said “enhance” and not “paint.” Makeup in general is meant to bring out your natural beauty, not cover it up like the icing on a cake. Remember ladies…. LESS IS MORE! Nobody likes a cake-face.

There are two main steps to contouring my face. AJL & KKC. (“Angelina Jolie Lips & Kim Kardashian Cheekbones.”) You will thank me later 😉

Today I am just going to go over the AJL contouring I do, and I will save the KKC for another day. 

AJL (Angelina Jolie Lips) Contouring Steps!

Step 1: Take your fave bronzer and eyeshadow brush, and right below your bottom lip in the centre apply a nice amount of bronzer. BOOM. Angelina Jolie Lips achieved. This will make your lips looks fuller and more luscious than they already are. I am obsessed with this trick and legit do it every day. 

Step 2: Take the same brush and bronzer and apply bronzer to the underside of your nose. (Like…. where the nostrils are. Sounds gross, looks great.) This will make your nose look a bit smaller by shortening it. I usually just bronze from the bottom of my nostrils up to the curve of my nose and leave it at that. If you want to be extra spicy you can pull the bronzer up a bit higher to make your nose look even more slim. (Slim? Sure.)

Step 3: With a TINY (key word: tiny) amount of bronzer, we are going to make your nose more defined. Start at your eyebrow, and alone one side of your nose draw a light shadow with your brush. Basically you want to draw on the bridge of your nose, but over to one side. Do the same on the other side. 

Step 4: Take your big powder brush and blend alllll this in! Be sure you don’t put too much on otherwise you might start to look like Picasso, and that ain’t cute. 

These tips are legit game changers, and I am so stoked to have finally shared them with you today! For your reference, the brush I use to do all this is the Bobbi Brown Eye Shadow Brush and my Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Sheer Powder for my bronzer. 

What do you guys think?! Will you use these contour tips? Stay tuned for my KKC tutorial coming soon! <3





12:02 | August 22, 2015



Skinny-Belle (15 of 15)

Skinny-Belle (2 of 15)

Skinny-Belle (9 of 15)


I always feel so awkward when I wear a short dress. Honestly, I have no idea what it is but I am just SO uncomfortable the entire time. The fear of some ungodly body part falling out at any time is SO REAL. Swim suits? Completely comfortable. Short dresses? Run for the hills. (Who knows lol.)

So you are probably like why the hell would you even buy something that you don’t feel comfortable in, foolish girl. Well, FASHION my friends. I am literally the worst for this sometimes. If something looks cute and is the right price I will pretty much buy it no matter what. I am the ultimate consumer haha.

This dress was picked up at that Zara sale that happened a few weeks ago. Anyone else know the one I am referring to? If you live in Vancouver you know that the Zara on Robson St. pretty much looked like a scene from hunger games after us ladies had our way with the sales. Blood, sweat, and tears were shed in that store. But alas I came out alive with a few winning picks. 

So tell me, have you guys ever fallen victim to wearing something that looks super cute but actually makes you feel really uncomfortable?! Comment below I need to know I’m not alone here!!





1:31 | August 19, 2015



Skinny-Belle (10 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (1 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (8 of 10)

Skinny-Belle (7 of 10)


Allllrighty. Today’s topic is one that will probably hit home with a lot of you. Lifestyle slip-ups.

Remember my post on the Skinny Belle Lifestyle? Where you eat healthy 80% of the time and treat-yoself the other 20%? Yes, that one. If you missed the post check it out by clicking here, it’s good stuff you if you ask me. 🙂 So anyways, sometimes we all have lifestyle slip-ups. (Notice I am not saying the word “diet”, refer to the Skinny Belle Lifestyle post for more info on this.) I am talking about when you overindulge for a few days… or weeks… <— if we are being honest here haha.

Lifestyle slip-ups can happen for a world of reasons. Vacation, travel for work, birthday parties, holidays, you name it. It happens to the best of us.

I want to share with you what I do when I have a few days of crap eating. Because I am not perfect, nobody is, and life happens sometimes. You should never live with regret, and slipping up can just be motivation to treat your body better than you ever had before!

Here are my top 5 ways I like to get myself back to eating clean and healthy (80/20) after a slip-up:


Mini Juice-Cleansing

Mini juice-cleanse your mornings. I don’t really like to do multi-day or even day-long cleanses… because hangry is not a pretty look on anyone haha. (And let me tell you girl gets real hangry.) What I like to do after a period of poor eating is to do mini-juice cleanses in the morning for about 3 – 5 days. This means I will have a fresh pressed green juice (read more on green juices by clicking here) for breakfast and avoid eating lunch up until 12 – 1 pm. This gives your body time to rest and recover from all the junk food over the past few days. When you do eat your nutrient-packed lunch (whatever it may be) it will taste even better because you have let your stomach settle for the morning. Plus the green juice will provide you with all the nutrients you will need for the day, so yay green juice!

Light Exercise

Getting back into a healthy lifestyle is fully a mindset. I find just engaging in light exercise like power walking or interval training is enough to put me in the “healthy mood.” When you take the time to do something good for your body, you will be more likely to make healthy choices for the rest of the day.

Rest Up

We all know how important it is to get our beauty sleep! Sleep has a huge impact on your cravings and how your body feels. More sleep = healthier body. To learn more about beauty sleep click here

Eat Clean 

Eat CLEAN! The more natural the foods you eat are, the happier your body will be. Avoid eating refined white sugar and aim to eat raw and whole foods. Eat things like lots of whole grains, big leafy vegetables, and fruits! 


Drink as much water as possible! Your body will need the extra hydration after a few days of salty snacks and sweets. The water will also help reduce cravings for more sugary sweets like you had on the weekend. 


And there you have it! These are my top 5 tips on how to recover from a lifestyle slip-up. Make sure no matter what you don’t feel guilty about over-indulging with your favourite food for a few days. 

As I always say, this is just what works for me! Make sure you do your own research and find out what works best for you to live the healthiest lifestyle possible.

Lots of love <3





1:00 | August 18, 2015



Skinny-Belle (2 of 6)


Skinny-Belle (5 of 6)

Skinny-Belle (1 of 6)


Just me myself and I. And my Nikon. And the pool. 

Literally the most perfect day I have had in a while. Girl just needed to chill out and not do anything for a day. And you would not believe how hard it is for me to do that. Doing “nothing” needs to be scheduled into my world, and I have to be super strict and force myself to just do nothing haha. Anyone else have this problem? I feel like it’s the curse of being a “type A” personality.

Anyways this was fantastic and totally what I needed to recharge myself. A nice quiet day of pool, netflix, and food. Hell. Yes.

What do you guys do when you need to just chill out for a little bit? Tell me in the commentsss <3



