Skinny Belle (38 of 53)

Skinny Belle (46 of 53)

Skinny Belle (33 of 53)

Skinny Belle (35 of 53)

Skinny Belle (34 of 53)

Skinny Belle (47 of 53)

Beautiful sunrise from Mt. Batur in Bali.

This was a fantastic experience in Bali. I feel like I keep saying everything is “my favourite thing”… but THIS WAS TOTALLY MY FAVOURITE THING!!😜 If you like hiking and early mornings, this is for you.

We were picked up from our Villa at 1:30 am and drove for about 2 hours up to the base of Mt. Batur, WHICH IS AN ACTIVE VOLCANO. (Yes, ACTIVE volcano.) 😐 From there, it was about a 2 hour hike up the volcano in the dark. Sounds sketch, and it kind of was haha. All you had was a small flashlight to navigate your way up this volcano (which I would like to point out was VERY close to rock-climbing… “hike” is a loose term😉) I’m one for a challenge so it was great fun for me.

Once you get to the top, you will freeze your ass off, drink some very questionable tea, sing Bob Marley in a hippie guitar circle, and wait for the sun to rise. Once it finally does, it is a thing of beauty. There were lots of people at the top of the volcano but it was so beautiful I honestly didn’t even notice it was crowded.

Can we also talk about the actual volcanic steam that is coming out of the top of the volcano? Yea, that was a thing too. (Again, slightly sketch lol.)

Anyways, if you are ever in Bali this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you need to carve out some time for. Totally recommend.

What do you think? Would you do this hike?? Comment below!



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