So crazy that I’ve lived almost my whole life in Vancouver and NEVER been to Whyte Lake!!
And it’s shaped like a heart from above. V cute if you ask me.
Anywho, vlogged my day at said lake with my new friend Rob *yay for new internet friends!* It was a pretty epic day, so check out the vlog and throw it a thumbs up if you feel so inclined.
Also… HEADING TO WHISTLER TODAY!!! It has been ages and ages since I’ve gone there mostly cuz its hella expensive now and just not worth it anymore. But Whistler is one of my forever favourite places, because I kind of grew up there. I consider it my second home.
This was such an epic day. Honestly did not expect this waterfall to be as gorgeous as it was.
It totally poured rain for the 1 hour I spent there, and the second I got in my car to drive home it got super sunny again. TYPICAL. 🤣
Anyways, pretty excited to continue the adventures here in Vancouver, Canada. BC is a great place to visit because there is so much to do so close to the city.
SOOOOO yah!!!
That’s today’s vlog. I will see you again soonsies.
Make sure you leave me a comment on Youtube and let me know you came from the blog! Love my blog friends 🙂
Today’s vlog will be the first from my Vancouver series this summer. Kind of stuck to the basics for this one, Gastown, Yaletown, etc. Because I was having a PMS day and couldn’t deal with much adventuring lol.
For what it’s worth, pizza really does help LOL. (watch the video above and that will make a bit more sense haha)
Hope you liked this video! Make sure you leave a thumbs up if you did 🙂
All the dongles have arrived!!!! Vlogs are BACK BABY!
Ah yes, the glorious day when you solve all your technical issues and can finally VLOG AGAIN!
And today’s vlog is highly embarrassing. Mostly because it does not do great things for my reputation as a competant driver. Evidently, you CAN crash a car while you are not even in it. It really does take talent.
fml tho. I accidentally got this on camera and debated editing it out. Maybe I should have considering I wasn’t techhhhnically insured to drive this car (TECHNICALLY…) but YOLO right?
So yeah. Watch my new vlog from Nosara, Costa Rica to learn more about how bad I am at driving. Good times all around.
In other news, remember the rant I went on one day about Apple and all the DAMN DONGLES that they don’t make but you still need to get videos/photos onto your brand new MacBook Pro? If you didn’t see it, THIS is the video I’m talking about.
*spoiler* it’s not actually funny.
The dongle I use to connect my camera card aka where all my photos and videos are stored just stopped working. So I have no way to put new files onto my computer. I have a useless computer right now. Mac has built A USELESS COMPUTER. WHY WHY WHY.
Uhg. I can’t even get into this anymore.
I’ve already ordered a replacement dongle but won’t get it for enough days that I’m chapped about it lol.
Anyways, that’s whats new in my world. As you can clearly see, joy and happiness. 🤣
In all seriousness, everything is fine and I will survive. But it just really grinds my gears that Apple is making such bad hardware decisions.
Today we are driving back to Tamarindo, from Nosara! I hope you will see the latest Nosara vlog soon but honestly who knows with this whole dongle situation we’ve got going on lol.
This week, has been something else. I’m honestly not sure if I’ve ever had a worse AirBnb experience? Ever???
So yeah. This is why my last vlog was slow to upload. A few nights of no sleep = minimal productivity.
Other than the whole AirBnb situation (detailed in video above), Puerto Viejo has actually been really nice! Loving the Caribbean vibes. Will show you more of what it’s like here in my next vlog. Had to get this off my chest first lol.
Also sorry for all the swearing mom. But also not sorry cuz IT WAS TRAUMATIC. 😉
The wifi problems have been OH SO REAL for the last week or so. Getting a video live on Youtube was a 5 – 6 hour battle that definitely gave me a few new wrinkles (great.) And posting here was just out of the question.
Back on the blog with two new sexy sexy edits (people tend to click more when I use the word “sexy”… so yeah) for your viewing pleasure.
The whole madness of the last week got me a bit behind on my posting schedule, but I rage about it/explain in my coming video. So we will just leave that until tomorrow when it will be live.
I took a mini vacation because I had some friends visiting in Costa Rica who I haven’t seen in about a year, so it was fully necessary that we spent some quality time together.
SO GOOD TO SEE THEM. Like, it was the best.
Anywho, I am back on my regular schedule of posting every few days now.
What is going on in your world? In my world, we are close to wrapping up our time in Nosara (SADNESS!) and about to move on with our trip. Nosara is likely my fave spot in Costa Rica, for a few reasons. Mostly because I have yet to find hair in my food. Sort of kidding but also not really at all. 😉
As for what’s next… I’m not gonna tell you where we are going yet. Not because it is a national secret or something, but because we don’t know. Lol
uhg, Im so weird rn. What else is new.
So yeah. I took a few days off, and IM BACK WITH A NEW VLOG! Watch, like, comment, gimme sweet lovin’ friends <3
Okay when they say “rainy season” is from “May to November”…. IT MEANS IT WILL RAIN EVERY DAY FROM MAY TO NOVEMBER. Well, it feels like every day lol.
For realz, the rain NEVER STOPS. So when it did stop for a hot minute, I got my tucus outside to enjoy the day. And am now writing to you from the safety of my AirBnb while there is yet another thunderstorm outside.
HAHAHAHA. Why tho.
As someone who grew up in Vancouver (aka the rain capital of the planet) I DO NOT APPRECIATE TRAVELING ANYWHERE THAT RAINS.
I spent the first 26 years of my life in this weather. (oh my god I am aging myself… stopping now..)
SO yah. I was excited the sun came back! And vlogged it. peep the vlog, leave a like, leave a comment, show me some lovin! The internet can be a dank-ass place so all positivity and love is appreciated. You know how it is 😉
Also QUESTION: for the group of us who hang out on this little blog, do you want to see more recipes posted here? It has been FOREVER since I posted a recipe and I am doing some cooking here in Costa Rica. So lmk if you want some more and I’m happy to share! Comment below <3